Fraud Prevention Solution for Merchants and Payment Service Providers

Prevent Chargebacks,
Reduce False Declines

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3D Secure 2 Service solution for merchants, payment gateways, and acquirers

Fast, easy and flexible 3D Secure 2

ActiveServer Service is our 3DS Server as a hosted solution, intended for payment gateways, merchants, and acquiring banks. ActiveServer Service runs on AWS with high availability and redundancy, and is the perfect fit for companies who want to implement 3D Secure 2 quickly and efficientl

ActiveServer Service is EMVCo certified, PCI DSS Level 1 certified, and supports 6 major global card schemes, with potential to add more in the future.

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ActiveServer Illustration
If you are interested in using our services in your area, feel free to contact us.
Our team of experts are dedicated to meeting all your requirements.

Implementation with a Hosted Service (SaaS)

Our ActiveServer hosted service provides a scalable, 24/7 service that helps you save on both implementation time and ongoing infrastructure resources. The hosted service also removes the need for the client to certify with each card scheme, which would be a requirement if the client were to deploy in-house.

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Fully compliant

All PCI certification and card scheme compliance programs are handled by GPayments. This reduces initial costs and scope of work, and greatly shortens the initial implementation time.

Serviced by Experts

Serviced by experts

Save time and resources by allowing our team of 3DS2 professionals to keep the software running and up-to-date, on your behalf, and cover any support questions you may have.

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Easy to manage

Your customised sub-domain on our server provides you with secure access to your ActiveServer instance, via a web-based administration panel, for performing all administration tasks.

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Global presence

Leveraging a worldwide network of cloud data centres, the service can potentially be hosted in your particular geographic region to optimise latency performance, and conform with local data protection laws.

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Integrate via powerful API

ActiveServer Service utilises the industry standard RESTful APIs for quick and easy integration with your existing payment infrastructure.

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Reliability and redundancy

ActiveServer utilises cloud-based system health monitoring and diagnostic tools to automatically monitor the system's status, and implements a high availability database to ensure optimal performance and maximum security.

3DS2 enrolment check included for 3DS1 compatibility

ActiveServer implements a 3DS2 enrolment check API to enable backwards compatibility with your 3DS1 systems. ActiveServer caches the BIN ranges of cards that are enrolled in 3D Secure 2. Before each authentication, the API call can be made to determine whether the given card supports 3D Secure 2. If not, you may fall back to an existing 3D Secure 1 MPI implementation. This API ensures compatibility with any 3D Secure 1 MPI on the market, and is crucial for merchants to obtain liability shift on 3D Secure 1 before liability shift for 3D Secure 2 is activated, or to adhere to regional mandates.

Quick and Easy Integration Illustration
Industry standard RESTful API & sample code included

Quick and easy integration

Integrating with ActiveServer is remarkably simple. It uses an industry standard RESTful API, and includes a sample 3DS Requestor and checkout payment page to demonstrate system integration. In addition to authentication APIs, ActiveServer also has a set of admin APIs to allow you to programmatically configure the software, or wrap ActiveServer's API with your own merchant facing interface.

Access Integration Documentation

Leave the infrastructure to us, so you can save time and money

ActiveServer Service runs on GPayments' tech stack and is operated by our team of DevOps experts. ActiveServer Service offers high availability and redundancy, and comes with PCI DSS certification and support for major card schemes. This means you don't need to worry about server hardware, maintenance costs or the time and effort involved in getting certified by each card scheme.

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TestLabs Illustrationi

3DS2 test environment, TestLabs, available to help with your integration testing needs

GPayments offers an end-to-end testing platform, TestLabs. As specialists in 3D Secure, all components in TestLabs are fully developed, as opposed to being basic simulators. TestLabs can be used to test any 3DS component, or to perform product integration testing.

Additional features

Intelligent Reporting

Key business information available from reporting functionality provided through the administration web application.

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Multiple 3DS Requestors and Merchants

Ability to add multiple 3DS Requestors and merchants to the same ActiveServer instance.

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