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A test platform for everyone

TestLabs is an end-to-end 3D Secure authentication testing environment. TestLabs can be used by anyone looking to implement an existing 3D Secure solution, or build their own 3D Secure product. TestLabs can be used to test any 3DS 1 or 2 component, or to perform product integration testing.

Get more realistic test results

Unlike many test tools that utilise simulators, TestLabs comprises live and fully developed 3D Secure components: ActiveServer (a 3DS2 3DS Server), ActiveMerchant (a 3DS1 MPI), ActiveAccess (an Access Control Server), and ActiveDS (a Directory Server). This provides our users with more realistic test results, as well as the flexibility to specify custom test cases.

Reliability icon

Pass card scheme compliance tests faster

You can use TestLabs to make sure all your test scenarios output the correct results before you start card scheme certification. This will help you to pass card scheme certification much faster, and potentially save you money on time-based costs, during certification testing.

Ensure high and consistent system performance

By subscribing to TestLabs, you can periodically run test cases to make sure all authentication scenarios in your payment system are working as intended. This is particularly useful after any configuration changes or product version upgrades.

Improve integration performance

For more than 15 years, GPayments products have been trusted by major banks, payment gateways, and large merchants from all around the world to be stable, high performing, and easy to use.

If you are interested in using our services in your area, feel free to contact us.
Our team of experts are dedicated to meeting all your requirements.

A 3D Secure test platform for both acquiring and issuing companies

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merchant flow

Testing procedures for all acquiring scenarios

TestLabs includes a wide range of pre-defined test cases for both 3DS2 and 3DS1 to enable testing for your 3DS Server (3DSS) or Merchant Plug-In (MPI) respectively. You can test many permutations of card schemes, authentication channels and test scenarios. All major testing scenarios are covered, however customisation of merchant/acquirer data is also possible.

3DS Server/MPI testing is initiated by the merchant or gateway using their test systems or merchant site. The TestLabs’ ACS and DS are setup with the test card numbers for various scenarios and acquirer and merchant details. GPayments software comes pre-configured with TestLabs connectivity information, however it is also possible to connect software from other vendors as well.

There are many ways TestLabs can support your testing needs:

Connectivity and configuration testing

Suitable for new 3DS implementers

Once a 3DS solution has been installed and configured, TestLabs can be used to verify that the application has the correct connectivity and configuration setup. This process will verify the necessary 3DS configurations of the application as well as the implementer's network settings, which is required for connectivity to other components of the 3DS ecosystem.

Integration testing

Suitable for new 3DS implementers

After successful implementation and testing of 3DS components but prior to production rollout, the card schemes require implementers to undertake compliance testing; for example, Visa requires testing on its VSTS environment. As TestLabs includes all the necessary components of 3DS, it can be utilised for compliance testing of any 3DS components, before card scheme testing is conducted.

By first using TestLabs to ensure correct integration, implementers can significantly reduce the time and cost required for card scheme testing. Fees apply for testing with some card schemes, and if the testing is not completed successfully within a certain time period, testing has to be rescheduled and re-test fees can be incurred.

Implementation testing

Suitable for new or existing 3DS implementers

Implementers may wish to test the responses received by their 3DS components during 3DS transactions, using different scenarios. This is especially useful for testing corner cases such as timeouts and other error scenarios.

TestLabs provides the ability to test 3DS components using test cards for different card schemes and scenarios, as shown in the table to the right.

Ongoing testing

Suitable for existing 3DS implementers

3DSS/MPI implementers can utilise TestLabs to perform ongoing functional testing, to ensure the stability and integrity of their 3DS components, or for testing updated specifications and requirements, received from the card schemes.

TestLabs can also be used to allow new merchant clients, of a payment gateway, to test during their initial setup and onboarding process.

Supported Card Schemes
card schemes lIST
Supported Authentication Channels
Browser (PA & NPA)
App (PA & NPA)
Pre-defined Test Scenarios
Authentication success - frictionless (Y)
Authentication success - challenge (Y)
Authentication attempt (A)
Card not enrolled (N)
Authentication failed (N)
Authentication unavailable (U)
Authentication rejected (R)
In addition to the above, GPayments is always open to requests for customised test cases.
issue bank diagram

Test any and all card configurations

With the large amount of possible card configurations in an ACS, TestLabs can help issuing banks to test whether those cards are correctly configured, and produce the intended results, under each scenario. Additionally, TestLabs can be used, similarly, to test card scenarios when upgrading to a newer version ACS.

For ACS testing, TestLabs 3DS Server and Directory Server are configured with the card range of the test cards, acquirer and merchant details, and the URL of the tester’s ACS. The test cards for the various scenarios are set up on the tester’s ACS.

The tester uses the test cards to make purchases through any of the three device channels (browser-based, 3RI, or app-based) on a fully-featured 3DS Requestor. The PAN received by the tester’s ACS, in the message sent from GPayments DS, is used to determine the required interactions and make a corresponding response.

There are many ways TestLabs can support your testing needs:

Connectivity and configuration testing

Suitable for new 3DS implementers

Once a 3DS solution has been installed and configured, TestLabs can be used to verify that the application has the correct connectivity and configuration setup. This process will verify the necessary 3DS configurations of the application as well as the implementer's network settings, which is required for connectivity to other components of the 3DS ecosystem.

Integration testing

Suitable for new 3DS implementers

Prior to production rollout, after successful implementation and testing of 3DS components, the card schemes require implementers to undertake compliance testing; for example, Visa requires testing on its VSTS environment. As TestLabs includes all the necessary components of 3DS, it can be utilised for compliance testing of any 3DS components, including the ACS, before card scheme testing is conducted.

By first using TestLabs to ensure correct integration, implementers can significantly reduce the time and cost required for card scheme testing. Fees apply for testing with some card schemes, and if the testing is not completed successfully within a certain time period, testing has to be rescheduled and re-test fees can be incurred.

Implementation testing

Suitable for new or existing 3DS implementers

ACS implementers may wish to test the responses received by their ACS during 3DS transactions, for different scenarios.

TestLabs provides the ability to test the ACS by performing transactions with test cards that have been setup for different scenarios and for different card schemes.

Ongoing testing

Suitable for existing 3DS implementers

ACS implementers can utilise TestLabs to perform ongoing functional/performance testing to ensure the stability and integrity of their 3DS components.

3DS ACS Testing

Testing for:

  • Successful installation of ACS
  • Successful configuration of test scenarios and connection to a test DS
  • Successful generation of valid authentication results for the test scenarios
  • Existing ACS features
  • New ACS features to ensure compliance with updated card scheme requirements
TestLab ActiveAccess Illustration
merchant flow

Testing procedures for all acquiring scenarios

TestLabs includes a wide range of pre-defined test cases for both 3DS2 and 3DS1 to enable testing for your 3DS Server (3DSS) or Merchant Plug-In (MPI) respectively. You can test many permutations of card schemes, authentication channels and test scenarios. All major testing scenarios are covered, however customisation of merchant/acquirer data is also possible.

3DS Server/MPI testing is initiated by the merchant or gateway using their test systems or merchant site. The TestLabs’ ACS and DS are setup with the test card numbers for various scenarios and acquirer and merchant details. GPayments software comes pre-configured with TestLabs connectivity information, however it is also possible to connect software from other vendors as well.

There are many ways TestLabs can support your testing needs:

Connectivity and configuration testing

Suitable for new 3DS implementers

Once a 3DS solution has been installed and configured, TestLabs can be used to verify that the application has the correct connectivity and configuration setup. This process will verify the necessary 3DS configurations of the application as well as the implementer's network settings, which is required for connectivity to other components of the 3DS ecosystem.

Integration testing

Suitable for new 3DS implementers

After successful implementation and testing of 3DS components but prior to production rollout, the card schemes require implementers to undertake compliance testing; for example, Visa requires testing on its VSTS environment. As TestLabs includes all the necessary components of 3DS, it can be utilised for compliance testing of any 3DS components, before card scheme testing is conducted.

By first using TestLabs to ensure correct integration, implementers can significantly reduce the time and cost required for card scheme testing. Fees apply for testing with some card schemes, and if the testing is not completed successfully within a certain time period, testing has to be rescheduled and re-test fees can be incurred.

Implementation testing

Suitable for new or existing 3DS implementers

Implementers may wish to test the responses received by their 3DS components during 3DS transactions, using different scenarios. This is especially useful for testing corner cases such as timeouts and other error scenarios.

TestLabs provides the ability to test 3DS components using test cards for different card schemes and scenarios, as shown in the table to the right.

Ongoing testing

Suitable for existing 3DS implementers

3DSS/MPI implementers can utilise TestLabs to perform ongoing functional testing, to ensure the stability and integrity of their 3DS components, or for testing updated specifications and requirements, received from the card schemes.TestLabs can also be used to allow new merchant clients, of a payment gateway, to test during their initial setup and onboarding process.

Supported Card Schemes
3ds1 badges
Pre-defined Test Scenarios
Authentication Success
Authentication Fail
Authentication Attempt
PAN Not Enrolled
Authentication Unavailable
Technical Enrolment Error
PARes Signature Verification Failed
No Reply/Timeout
Delayed Response
In addition to the above, GPayments is always open to requests for customised test cases.
testlab diagram

Testing procedures for all acquiring scenarios

TestLabs includes a wide range of pre-defined test cases for both 3DS2 and 3DS1 to enable testing for your 3DS Server (3DSS) or Merchant Plug-In (MPI) respectively. You can test many permutations of card schemes, authentication channels and test scenarios. All major testing scenarios are covered, however customisation of merchant/acquirer data is also possible.

3DS Server/MPI testing is initiated by the merchant or gateway using their test systems or merchant site. The TestLabs’ ACS and DS are setup with the test card numbers for various scenarios and acquirer and merchant details. GPayments software comes pre-configured with TestLabs connectivity information, however it is also possible to connect software from other vendors as well.

There are many ways TestLabs can support your testing needs:

Connectivity and configuration testing

Suitable for new 3DS implementers

Once a 3DS solution has been installed and configured, TestLabs can be used to verify that the application has the correct connectivity and configuration setup. This process will verify the necessary 3DS configurations of the application as well as the implementer's network settings, which is required for connectivity to other components of the 3DS ecosystem.

Integration testing

Suitable for new 3DS implementers

After successful implementation and testing of 3DS components but prior to production rollout, the card schemes require implementers to undertake compliance testing; for example, Visa requires testing on its VSTS environment. As TestLabs includes all the necessary components of 3DS, it can be utilised for compliance testing of any 3DS components, before card scheme testing is conducted.By first using TestLabs to ensure correct integration, implementers can significantly reduce the time and cost required for card scheme testing. Fees apply for testing with some card schemes, and if the testing is not completed successfully within a certain time period, testing has to be rescheduled and re-test fees can be incurred.

Implementation testing

Suitable for new or existing 3DS implementers

Implementers may wish to test the responses received by their 3DS components during 3DS transactions, using different scenarios. This is especially useful for testing corner cases such as timeouts and other error scenarios.TestLabs provides the ability to test 3DS components using test cards for different card schemes and scenarios, as shown in the table to the right.

Ongoing testing

Suitable for existing 3DS implementers

3DSS/MPI implementers can utilise TestLabs to perform ongoing functional testing, to ensure the stability and integrity of their 3DS components, or for testing updated specifications and requirements, received from the card schemes.TestLabs can also be used to allow new merchant clients, of a payment gateway, to test during their initial setup and onboarding process.

TestLab ActiveAccess Illustration
Why GPayments?
Founded in 1999, being the first Asia Pacific region to develop 3D Secure solutions for acquiring and issuing side clients​, GPayments have a deep expertise and proficiency in the 3DS protocol.

Today GPayments is the leader of 3D Secure acquiring market in Japan and Australia, and 3D Secure issuing in Eastern Europe​. GPayments serves 100K+ merchants, 100+ banks, 92 direct customers and distributors, 33 countries around the world and had 100% year-on-year ACS revenue growth since 2016​.
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