Frictionless fraud prevention with 3D Secure 2

GPayments and 3DS2; how will 3D Secure 2 affect Merchants, Payment Gateways, Banks and Cardholders

Whitepaper overview

3DS2 is more than just an update of an old standard. It is designed with the intent to create a frictionless payment experience for cardholders. It will do this by facilitating a richer cardholder data exchange, allowing risk-based authentication by issuers for low risk transactions, instead of authentication challenges to the cardholder, such that most authentication activity will be invisible to the cardholder.

3DSecure Frictionless Fraud Prevention WhitePaper Cover
What's inside:
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What is 3D Secure?

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What's new in 3D Secure 2?

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3D Secure 2 features

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Impact on e-Commerce

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Key benefits of 3D Secure 2

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GPayments support for 3D Secure 2

Whitepapers available for download

Online payment authentication in 2019: trends and predictions

This paper identifies the top trending authentication methods predicted to affect the payment industry's dynamic of combating fraud during card-not-present transactions.

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Risk-Based Authentication and 3D Secure 2

The new EMV® 3D Secure protocol, or 3D Secure 2 (3DS2), released by EMVCo is designed to address a number of key aspects of the previous protocol and cement the technology’s reputation as one of the most resilient solutions in the fight against card-not-present (CNP) online fraud.

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Top 5 online payment trends in 2017

Online payment trends keep evolving as customers continue to favour more user-friendly solutions and solution-makers compete for market share by constantly trying to re-invent the next big thing, to fulfil that need.

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