EMVCo 3Dセキュア、Visa Secure、Mastercard Identity Check、JCBJ/Secure、American Express SafeKey、UnionPay International 3-D Secure、Discover ProtectBuyといった信頼できるプロトコルに基づく総合的な決済認証ソリューションでチャージバックや誤取引拒否を防止しましょう。
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This paper identifies the top trending authentication methods predicted to affect the payment industry's dynamic of combating fraud during card-not-present transactions.
The new EMV® 3D Secure protocol, or 3D Secure 2 (3DS2), released by EMVCo is designed to address a number of key aspects of the previous protocol and cement the technology’s reputation as one of the most resilient solutions in the fight against card-not-present (CNP) online fraud.
Online payment trends keep evolving as customers continue to favour more user-friendly solutions and solution-makers compete for market share by constantly trying to re-invent the next big thing, to fulfil that need.